Zidane Meriboute is a citizen of Switzerland and was born in Algeria. He studied in Constantine, Geneva and Strasbourg.

He holds a doctorate in law and a Ph.D. from the Graduate Institute of International Studies, Geneva.

He has lectured at the Universities of Geneva, Constantine and Tunis (II) and has been an Academic Visitor at the University of London (SOAS) where he continued to be a part-time Research Fellow at SOAS (Centre for International Studies and Diplomacy).

Zidane Meriboute was an emissary of the International Committee of the Red Cross (ICRC) in Tehran and Baghdad (1990-1991) and was head of the ICRC Permanent Mission to the Organisation of African Unity in Addis Ababa from 1997 to 1999.

He was Senior Consultant within the Unit in charge of contacts with religious leaders in the field.

Zidane Meriboute is the author of several publications, including:

  • Commentaire des 32 ans à travers l’Islam (1832-1864), de Léon Roches sur l’Algérie d’Abd-el-Kader, Alzieu, Grenoble 2010.
  • Répertoire analytique d’archives sur l’Émir Abd-el-Kader (1808-1883), par Woerner, T., et Simon-Khedis, S., sous la direction de Zidane Meriboute, Fondation Ousseimi, Alzieu, Grenoble 2014.


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